Contact us

Get in touch

Birchden Vineyards
Birchden Farm
Broadwater Forest Lane
East Sussex
+44 7407348267

Tasting Den Opening Hours

Thursdays and Fridays 12:00 - 4:00

Closed until 9th January

Coffee Truck Opening Hours

Saturdays 10:00 - 2:00

We are closed on December 28th

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Find Us

Birchden Vineyards is just 10 minutes outside Tunbridge Wells and 1 hour from London Bridge or Charing Cross train stations. We are a 30 minute walk from the Groombridge train station through the countryside.

From Tunbridge Wells train station we are a quick 10-minute taxi ride away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Birchden Vineyards
Birchden Farm
Broadwater Forest Lane
East Sussex

Walk from Spa valley railway

The walk below is via Groombridge Place and takes approximately 35 minutes.

The map to the right is approximately 30 minutes and is partly on a road, so take care.