The Grapevine



“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb

This is a post dedicated to our amazing village community, who have supported us in countless ways as we launched Birchden Vineyards. Whether it’s harvesting grapes for hours at a time, buying our products or helping us come up with great ideas, we are so grateful to every single one of you.

We proudly employ local staff at Birchden, but what also makes our community so special is the number of people who are willing to step in and help when we need it, especially when the going gets tough (Bacchus harvest 2024 being a fine example!)

There is a real sense of people pulling together and it’s unlike anything we’ve experienced anywhere else.

So, thank you, to all of you, without you we simply wouldn’t be where we are today. And as the saying goes, it takes a village.

Bonfire weekend is always a big deal here in our corner of East Sussex. It's a chance for people of all ages to gather and celebrate with sparklers and fireworks, pure joy, and it's what our community is all about. Plus there's almost always delicious sausages from Fullers Butchers, and maybe a hot toddy on offer if you're very lucky!

Happy Bonfire Night everyone, whatever you're up to. And thank you Groombridge for being amazing. 

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